John Kennedy senator Latest News

'Disgusting': MSNBC host unloads on Republican's 'rank bigotry' after Senate hearing

Published on 2024-09-18 9:08 pm by Raw Story

GOP senator uses hearing on 'hate crime crisis' as platform 'to launch a series of racist attacks'

Published on 2024-09-18 8:33 pm by AlterNet

'Hide your head in a bag': Republican draws gasps over 'racist' attack on Arab-American

Published on 2024-09-18 7:41 pm by Raw Story

The Business of Civil Rights: The Kennedy-Hawkins Bill

Published on 2024-09-18 1:03 pm by University of Nevada, Reno

GOP senator insults Arab American witness at hate crimes hearing

Published on 2024-09-17 5:13 pm by The Hill

Kennedy statement on Israel, Netanyahu address

Published on 2024-07-24 2:00 am by

Kennedy questions FDIC Chair nominee Romero about FDIC harassment clean-up: “We're going to be watching.”

Published on 2024-07-11 2:00 am by

Kennedy introduces resolution to reverse unscientific EPA rule crushing America’s chemical industry

Published on 2024-06-20 2:00 am by

Kennedy introduces bill to give FDIC victims day in court

Published on 2024-06-18 2:00 am by

Kennedy introduces bill to help Louisiana farmers recover from crop loss

Published on 2024-05-16 2:00 am by

Senate Homeland Security Committee unanimously passes Kennedy, Carper bill to end payments to deceased Americans

Published on 2024-05-15 2:00 am by

Kennedy introduces CRAWDAD Act to support Louisiana jobs, culture

Published on 2024-02-29 2:00 am by